Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Website

I'm glad to announce that Euclid Lodge has a new website - http://euclidlodge.org!
The website is currently under construction. Please bear with us as we get it up and running.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Clarification and Farewell

My time as Master of Euclid Lodge is coming to an end. This weekend, I will had over the reins to my very capable brother, Chad VanderVen. I wish him the best over the coming year. But it has become apparent that before I step aside, there is one final matter I must address from the East.

It has come to my attention that rumors are circulating in some circles that Euclid is allied or affiliated with specific Martinist Orders and/or the Gnostic Church. Let me be very plain here, Euclid is not now, nor will it be in the future, allied or affiliated with any religious or non-Masonic fraternal organization.

There are members of Euclid who are Martinists. There are members of Euclid who are Gnostic clergy. But that does not establish a link between Euclid and those groups any more than our members belonging to the VFW or American Legion establish a link with those groups.

I hope this puts to rest, once and for all, these rumors and clears up Euclid's position on the matter.

Again, I wish Brother Chad and his slate of officers the very best in the coming year and look forward to seeing what they can achieve. I anticipate it will be another great year for Euclid.

For the last time from the East,
Tony Melton

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Affiliation: Part II

A number of people have inquired as to why Euclid Lodge made the decision to leave the Grand Orient of the United States. Both the Grand Orient and our membership know why we did. If you have an interest in our rational beyond that of a curious observer, please email me at a.s.melton@gmail.com and we can discuss it. Otherwise, I thank you for your interest, but we are not inclined to get into a public discussion of the issues leading up to this decision at this time.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Tony Melton
Master, Euclid Lodge

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


To All Free-Masons, wheresoever Dispersed Over the Face of the Earth:
Fraternal Greeting.
Let It be known that Euclid Lodge hereby severs all ties with the Grand Orient of the United States.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Anthony S. Melton
Master, Euclid Lodge

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Take a moment to remember the brave men and women that came before and stood strong on the wall.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My Brethren,
This is not a message that I want to write, I would prefer to build a statue to this Brother. I feel like my guts are on the floor. A dear Brother and dedicated friend has passed on to his reward.

Worshipful Brother Charles Kramsvogel. There is nothing that I could possibly write that would express the quality of Mason that he is. He held pretty much every degree that a man can get. None of that is important. What is important is that he was a true Mason in every regard. He will be sorely missed.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Looking Back and Looking Forward


Let me start by offering my thanks to Brother Brandt for his service as Venerable Master. Being Master of any lodge is large undertaking, but being the first Master of a brand new lodge is a huge responsibility. Brother, you did a great job. Euclid Lodge will forever remember you as its first and best leader. Well done Brother! You have set the bar high; I only hope I can live up to the standards that you set.

I want to thank the brothers of Euclid Lodge #3 for giving me the opportunity to serve the lodge as Venerable Master. I look forward to a great year. To my officers, I look forward to working with each of you. Out of respect for your privacy, I will not post a list of officers here, but if you wish to post a comment with your new position, you are welcome to.

This year promises to be another great year for Euclid. We have petitions to vote on, candidates to investigate, Entered Apprentices to Pass, and much Light to acquire. I look forward to learning, growing, and laughing along side the brethren of Euclid and of the Grand Orient of the United States of America.

May we do it all to the glory of Universal Freemasonry.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Anthony S. Melton
Venerable Master
Euclid Lodge #3
Grand Orient of the United States of America