We should discuss value as this is at the heart of many problems in Free Masonry. What is it in Free Masonry that a man cannot get any place else? Is there any objective value to membership in a lodge?
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Dear Brother John:
We have a similar situation in Mexico, the "regulars" are more intrested in who sells the Lodge's Temples and Schools and all with overriver political support. I praise your determination, we all know it is not easy, but our first word as Francmasons is "Liberty". Ignacio Gomez Monge PGM
Gran Logia Soberana de Baja CALIFORNIA
my dear Most Worshipful Brother,
We have failed to offer what is inherent to Free Masonry. Men today are not "cost conscious." They are value conscious. If we offered in our lodges something of value then we would have no problem with membership whatsoever. Euclid has proven this beyond any shadow of a doubt. Rather or not anyone is to take heed of this remains yet to be seen.
We as Masons must first be guided by liberty and offer education to actualize those values.
My hat is off to you my dear Brother. I pray that your Grand Lodge continues to see success in its endeavors.
Thank you very much for your kind words.
Our lodge is seeing growth, as are many lodges under our GL. There must be something of value there as our number of young members has increased exponentially. We just keep growing and growing in our jurisdiction. We're not stopping anytime soon, either. We're planning an increase of Masonic education, including adding a day just dedicated to education.
Brother Anagram Anonymous,
Are these new members becoming active? What do they cite as their reason for joining?
What do you feel is the value of lodge membership?
Tony Melton
Sr. Deacon, Euclid Lodge
Yes, many of them are becoming very active and are enthusiastic about Masonry. I cannot tell you the value of Lodge membership nor can it be relayed by any sign, symbol, handshake, or word. It can only be found in the place where I was first prepared, and it is not found by everyone; though they might reach the 33rd degree. It is something that enters in upon stepping in a lodge room, and might be discovered instantly or after receiving your fifty-year pin. The newly-made brethren take part only to the length of their abilities and desires. They seem quite interested in learning the ancient lessons of our fraternity.
further to Bro. Tonys comment,there seems to be many who miss the point. Education is the foundation of Freemasonry.
We have far too many meetings,then to top it off we have all degree days.
Europe has it right less regulars,4,6 or 8 but all work is conducted in these, including all the degree work and eductaion. This means you can have a regular life with your family and still attend and particpate in the Lodge.
Speaking for myself, it has never been a problem. Our GL has eliminated the one-day class, although our lodge has rarely used it. Many brothers join everything or go to everything, but the Blue Lodge is the place I joined and have not yet gone on to the appendent bodies. A brother should only do as much or as little as they like and feel capable of. That is up to them.
I feel that there is incredible value in belonging to a local lodge, provided that the lodge can satisfy the educational, social and mentoring needs of it's members.
I firmly believe that it is the duty of the lodge to take the lecture of the middle chamber seriously and provide, at the very least, the means to get each brother started "up the stairs". Furthermore, I believe that the symbolism of the degrees and the rituals should be fully explored before passing or raising brothers, as opposed to rote memorization of the lectures.
To that end, I believe a working lodge is invaluable. Sure you can explore this online in tyled forums and such, but there is nothing like physical human interaction to solidify lessons and strengthen bonds between members.
My lodge is comprised of elder gentlemen who have never ventured beyond the social component of the fraternity. They are typical of the 1950's and 1960's Masons. However, they are all very open minded and decent individuals and have allowed me the freedom to put the educational program into place as well as an outreach program to the local community that explores scientific and philosophical topics.
Without a lodge, none of this would be possible.
A concern that I have that is related to this subject has to do with leadership. There are quite a few qualified leaders that simply will not put in the time to attend some lodge function every week. These leaders are the kind that we should be encouraging. Making demands on their time, particularly when they are an officer, is not the proper way to do it.
If you want to keep your leaders, let them know they are appreciated. All the silly hats and jewels do serve a purpose to imbue the individual a sense of self-importance. This isn't a sense of 'more-important-than-everyone-else', although it might be construed as such. It imbues a sense of duty and pride when the job is performed well, not pride in the title or ephemera that accompanies the metals or hats. I am aware that the G.O.U.S.A. does not like these, but it really should still be a matter of freedom of conscience, should it not? Meaning, if your conscience thinks it is right to honor and identify with a person carrying added responsibilities, such should be recognized for their efforts. I know it is not necessarily in keeping with humbleness, but for some it makes them more humble to carry such a weighty honor, and to be able to serve their brethren.
From my discussions with the GOUSA guys, they aren't against recognizing the leadership (collars, etc.). What they are against is the extreme power vested in the men who hold those offices.
That said, I’m not a spokesperson of the GOUSA nor am I a member.
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