Saturday, December 1, 2007


Regardless of your opinion of Euclid Lodge.
One of our Brothers has been involved in an accident. He is injured. Prayers or positive thoughts for his speady recovery will be much appreciated. He is a good man and devoted Free Mason.

WM Euclid Lodge


LightTraveller said...

Energy and prayers incoming!

I hope he is alright. Please let us know as you can.


John Galt said...

He is fine, I have spoken to him. He is banged up and sore but alive and healing. Thank God.


My Name is Still Nobody said...

He will receive prayers and good thoughts from me. It cannot hurt, and often it will be a learning experience.

For my thoughts on Euclid lodge, I do respect your choices and believe in your sincerity. I wish you the best as you travel on. It's not my path, and I do wish you the best.

Steve said...

Positive energy is a'flowin'. I hope he's well. Please let me know?

Anonymous said...

Hope our brother is recovering well

John Galt said...

I have spoken a few times with the Brother since his accident. He is doing quite well. Thank you all for your concern and support. He does appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

Brothers, I am doing better and deeply appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. I will be back in the swing soon enough! Thank you all!