Sunday, December 23, 2007

Form and Function

There are two aspects of Free Masonry that are often confused as the same thing. They are not the same thing. The most apparent aspect of Free Masonry is the administrative body that “governs” a group of lodges. The second aspect, which is the most important, is the initiatic experience in the fraternity. The administrative aspect of a group of lodges cannot provide the initiatic aspect. These two aspects of Free Masonry can be mutually exclusive.
The administrative aspect of Free Masonry serves several valuable purposes. A grand lodge can facilitate communications between the various lodges. This is a very important purpose for a grand lodge. A grand lodge can also serve to arbitrate disputes between lodges. The grand lodge also exists to maintain the rules agreed upon by the Brethren within their lodges. Finally, the grand lodge exists to act as a “spokesman” for the organization of lodges so that they may more efficiently interact with other groups of lodges.
In all Masonic grand jurisdictions around the world there are only two models of government that are used. One model is the “power model” in which sovereignty is conferred upon the grand jurisdiction and the lodges have agreed to follow the lead of the sovereign body. There is a delicate balance in this model that must be maintained to ensure the health and viability of the organization. The balance that must be struck is that the grand jurisdiction must balance its supreme authority with the service that it owes to its lodges. The flaw in this system resides in the aristocratic fallacy. Masons laboring under this type of system must be very vigilant as to whom they elect to serve in the grand officer positions. The Masons laboring under this type of system need a mechanism in place to assure that they are able to insure that they are getting the proper leadership. A Grand Master under this system presides as the sole leader. He often has a retinue of staff that assists as advisors.
The second model of the administrative aspect of Free Masonry is the “liberty model.” Under this model of government sovereignty resides in the lodges of this group. The grand jurisdiction has no powers not specifically granted to them by the lodges. Of course this system can turn into a power model system if the lodges are not consistent in maintaining their sovereignty. This particular model also has a delicate balance that must be maintained. The balance is that of lodges having to exercise their sovereignty at all times. The flaw in this system resides in the democratic fallacy. Masons laboring under this system must be very vigilant in exercising and maintaining their sovereignty. They must also participate in their organization in an active manner. In order to do this the Brethren laboring under this system must be educated on how to proceed within their governmental system. Absolute transparency in government is required for this system to operate correctly.
If we take the power model as the thesis and the liberty model as the anti-thesis there is an apparent synthesis. Is there a way in which we can balance sovereignty at the highest levels with the inalienable rights of the Brethren at the lodge level? I am unconvinced at this point as to the viability of a synthesis between the power model and the liberty model. Further research and social experimentation is required.

Travel well Brothers

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Caput Lupinum

The Latin phrase “caput lupinum” means to “have the head of a wolf.” This colorful phrase was applied to convicted criminals or “outlaws.” I urge you to wear the head of a wolf. Hear me out.

There are two things that I would like to talk about right now in relation to this. The first is the nature of the law and idolatry. The second is how slaves are made. Each of these two topics is related philosophically. Hopefully through this discussion I will be able to explain why every good citizen and Mason should have the head of a wolf.

Law is established to protect the citizens of a nation or organization and to fulfill the fundamental premises of that nation or organization. Since the law is blind, and often dumb, it is necessary that there be juries in our courts. A jury is not charged with interpreting law. They are charged with determining right or wrong. For example, it is illegal to exceed the posted speed limits. If you had a child about to die you should speed if necessary to get the child to the proper medical attention to save the child’s life. You did break the law but justice is served by determining that you were right to break the law.

A few years ago I did a paper on religion itself becoming an idol that is worshipped. In other words there are some that get so wrapped up in a religion that they begin to worship the religion rather than God. This is idolatry. On the same token there are those that believe so strongly in the law that they forget justice. This is contrary to the spirit and purpose of the law. I would go so far that it is even contrary to the spirit and purpose of the nation or organization that wrote the laws in question. When the law is applied without even a nod to justice then the law has become a tool of restriction rather than justice and should not be obeyed by any thinking man. Justice is far more important than law.

This is why I urge Masons and citizens to be outlaws in the philosophic sense. Support justice not laws. Support right, not expediency. Support the spirit and purpose, not the shell. Unfortunately juveniles are not well equipped to handle this. In order for law to morally valid it must be in support justice. It should never be law for the sake of law.

Before I move into this next section, involving slavery, I would like to extend thanks to an old teacher of mine who taught me the lessons that I will now share with you. RD, if you are reading this, thank you. I hope that your former pupil is not such a huge disappointment.

Pardon the allegory, but this is how I was taught.

There is no distinctive difference between a wolf pup and common dog puppy. They exhibit many of the same mannerisms. The difference becomes apparent at maturity. One day a wolf pup becomes a wolf (adult), a dog puppy remains a puppy no matter how old it gets. Dogs were made from wolves on purpose. To change wolves into dogs one must only feed the pups and discourage adult behavior. One more thing, kill those that show too much aggression or resistance. This creates a climate in which the puppy’s survival is predicated on the benevolence of the slaver/breeder. Juvenile behavior and reliance becomes what is needed to survive for the pup. So the wolf becomes a dog in order to survive. Patrick Henry is rolling over in his grave.

Slaves are made of human beings in much the same manner. It is the encouragement of juvenile behavior in adult animals. The adult juvenile (dog) will never actualize his potentials and become a functioning adult (wolf) because its survival or acceptance is predicated on maintaining juvenile behavior. Chains make only prisoners, not slaves. Harriet Tubman ran into the slave mentality during her work on the “Underground Railroad.” She carried a pistol. She carried the pistol not only to deal with lawmen (remember how law is supposed to serve justice not the other way around) and slave hunters but to deal with slaves that would change their minds and want to go back.

That is why I encourage people, citizens, and Free Masons to have the head of a wolf. Serve Justice, serve Right, serve the cause of freedom.

Brandt Smith
WM Euclid Lodge

The Level

We claim to meet on the level. What is this level? Obviously it has something to do with how we interact and relate to each other. To meet on the level we must first understand the nature of honorable relationships.

We must recognize the rights inherent to the individual Mason. We must interact in a manner that does not interfere with the rights inherent to the individual Mason. The level is reason. Reason must govern our conduct and relationships. Fear cannot be the motivating factor on our level. Fear of celestial boogey man does not make men moral. Reason and respect is the basis of morality.

When we are able to meet using reason and respecting the individual rights we have met on the level. There will be disputes. That is to be expected. These disputes should be met with reason and respect. Meeting in this manner, on the level, allows us to negotiate a settlement of the dispute. Those who refuse to do so have abandoned the level.

Abandoning the level is “un-Masonic” because it is contrary to the fundamental teachings of the Craft. This should not be accepted. Working tools can be dangerous.


All governments rule with the consent of the masses. This may be a hard pill to swallow for those living under a tyrannical system. Nevertheless it is true. The proof is in the recorded histories. These clearly show, again and again, that a people who held no “legal” political power simply seized the governmental power for themselves.

There is not much need to discuss tyrannical governments. They are well covered and seem to be a popular topic of discussion. I would like to discuss good government and what is required to make truly moral government.

First, a government must start from a solid premise. For this I would consider the inherent rights of humanity are this solid premise. Those rights are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness/property.

The right to life means that you have the right to live at your own accord without interference. Your inherent right to life does not confer upon you any ability to claim that another man must provide your life for you. Yes, this right can be violated. You could be killed. Society should rise up and remove the threat and the anti-social element that violated that right. In order for the individual’s right to life to be held as valid all people’s right to life must be respected. This illustrates the nature of functional society.

The right of liberty is the most often violated. Liberty is that natural condition of humanity in which we are free to grow, think, and be. Much like the right to life, this right does not confer upon us the authority to interfere with another person’s liberty. Violating the inherent rights of any person nullifies the violator’s claim upon his own rights. This right does not confer upon any authority, person, or group of persons the right to limit anyone else’s liberty.

The pursuit of happiness or property as it were, is the inherent drive which is enabled by both life and liberty. This right is the most interesting of the set. Through the understanding of this right we come to know that man is an end unto himself. He is not an automaton designed to spew meaningless platitudes into the darkness. He is not a herd animal designed to provide sustenance to others. He is a functioning being who is designed to fulfill his own needs. Through fulfilling the most basic levels of the hierarchy of needs he is able to rise higher to the levels of self actualization.

Note that all of these rights are entirely individual. These are the inherent characteristics of a human being. To aid in protecting these rights men came together into groups of mutual filiations. This required the development of government.

Government exists only to protect the rights of the citizens of those in the society. In order to do this authority to exercise power must be vested in the government but must be limited. It must be limited so that it will not limit the governed. Government is the servant of society. This must never be forgotten as it is the basis of good government. Society exists by the volition of individuals. The individual exists as created with certain inalienable rights. Government, society and the individual have entered into a relationship to ensure and protect the rights of the individual. Of these three only the individual possesses certain inalienable rights. Society has no rights of its own. Government has no rights of its own. Only the individual exists in state of natural freedom and liberty.

The proper job of good government is to provide a police force/justice system and a military. The police force exists as the strong arm of free society to protect citizens from criminals. The justice system exists so that free citizens can resolve disputes and for justice under the natural law of humanity to be administered. The military exists to protect the citizens from foreign aggression. Notice that there is nothing to protect society or the government. They do not exist as individuals. They are “legal fictions” upon which individuals have agreed. They are the tools by which we work together.

The deluded thug Mao once said that all political power comes from the barrel of a gun. In that one statement he summed up the immoral and corrupt nature of his mind and his government. Any person that believes that governmental power comes from force lacks understanding of what it means to be free.

The only true crimes are force and fraud. No man may initiate force on another. Since society was formed to protect the rights of individuals then an anti-social behavior is contrary to the protection of our rights. To initiate force on an individual is an attack on the fundamental premise of good government. This anti-social behavior should be met with derision and violence of a level necessary to remove the threat.

Fraud is also a danger to society (and therefore to individual rights) because it causes a breakdown in trade. Fraud, being a violation of our social contract, should also be met with violence of a level necessary to remove the threat.

Rights that we do not have:
No person has the right to not be offended. No person has the right to force their beliefs on another. No person has the right cause another to live for his benefit. No person has the right to compel another to give up their inalienable rights.

Authority extends only so far as the social contract allows. If the governed no longer wish to confer authority then the legal fiction ceases to exist and can be replaced. This was well illustrated when the states of the United States of America declared their independence. They realized that all governments exist to serve the governed. A government ceases to hold moral authority when they cease to serve the governed. When a government becomes self serving and enslaves the governed it is no longer valid. All people that serve the enslaving government have become slavers themselves and are enemies of society.

Submission to unjust and immoral authority is not a trait that I wish to hold. So I don’t.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Let's talk social issues

For some reason or another many of our fellow citizens have taken it upon themselves to tell consenting adults what they can and cannot do. Yes folks! That is the topic, gay marriage. If you are uncomfortable with this you have five minutes to run for the hills. Now since we have gotten rid of the childish people can we begin?

First let us examine marriage. Is marriage a religious institution? If so it is outside of the government’s power (state or federal) to limit it. If it is a civil matter, and therefore falling under government control then one cannot introduce the Bible as evidence to support one method/style of marriage or another. Welcome to the slippery slope – get a helmet.

For the sake of discussion let us assume that we can use the Bible or favorite “word of God” that you choose. We could use this to ban gay marriage based upon the alleged validity of the book in question. Since that book is now considered legally valid we must now allow polygamy and the stoning of prostitutes. This is called logic. Just so we are on the same page, polygamy is considered by some as having one wife too many. Others would say monogamy is the same thing (one wife too many – get it – it is a joke people lighten up).

Here is the major intellectual dishonesty. We, as a society, will allow gay men to live together. We will allow them share their lives together. We will allow them to negotiate and enter into binding contracts on property etc. In some areas we will even allow them undergo some type of “civil union” or other euphemism. What will not allow is for them to use the term “marriage” as if there is some magic in the word.

In an effort to cover up outright bigotry we dance around the issue and call it anything but what it is. Again, we have magic in words. I guess if you close your eyes really tight and wish really hard then it is not bigotry. Then again you could tap your ruby slippers together three times and end up in a beautiful land where it is okay to impose your views on other people. This would be a time before the freedom actually became something that you spoke of in relation to political theory.

This should not ever be a political question as it is really nobody’s business but those that entering into the marriage, or civil union or whatever you want to call it.

I have two questions for all 3 or 4 of the readers of this blog.
1. Can anyone offer a moral justification for banning gay marriage? If you can I would like to hear it.
2. Who exactly is being injured by two gay men getting married?


Saturday, December 1, 2007


Regardless of your opinion of Euclid Lodge.
One of our Brothers has been involved in an accident. He is injured. Prayers or positive thoughts for his speady recovery will be much appreciated. He is a good man and devoted Free Mason.

WM Euclid Lodge

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Message to ....

There are some amongst you that obviously wish to know things that are not for those who are not members of Euclid Lodge. I would ask that desist as you are wasting your time.

It is against our practice and philosophy to share the identity of any member of Euclid Lodge without their express permission. Privacy is considered quite valuable to us.

The problem with this is that are questioning people that have nothing to do with it and they are calling me trying to figure out what is going on.

Meet with us on the level and we may be able to talk. Strike at us with a level and our door will shut to you.

Brandt Smith
WM Euclid Lodge

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Truth About Charity

Brother and Sisters, fellow citizens of the world

A human being is an end unto his or her self. Put down your pitchforks and torches – I am not kicking over your charity applecart. Allow me to explain what I am attempting to say.

Charity is one of the finest acts that an individual can accomplish. Charity is great particularly if it is properly guided and the reasons are properly known. Do not think for one second that you selflessly aid another human being for anything other than your own benefit. If a Masonic organization, which are quite well known for charitable activities, gives with no thought of itself then it is an immoral organization. If it commits a charitable act and pretends that it was for any other reason than the benefit of its members it is a liar or worse, an immoral fool.

The reason that charity is a great act is that if charity is properly applied the recipient of the charity will rise above their impoverished position and become a productive member of society. This is important. A great deal of crime, and I speak from experience, is rooted in poverty. Most people would never steal unless there was a need for them to do so. The drain that is placed on society that is required to support those that circumstances have placed in an unenviable position can be just too great. Charity is entirely selfish.

If we can accept this our charity will be more effective. We will pay for education. We will pay for job training. We will pay for Planned Parenthood. We will pay for public education programs that are designed to inform the populace about the dangers of contra-survival activities.

We have to remember that this is not about us, but it is. It is about the betterment of human civilization. We all benefit for each member of our society being a productive and able citizen. Free Masonry is, amongst other things, a Master’s degree course in citizenship. To be a Free Mason requires that you are good philosophical citizen of the world, your nation, your state, your community and your family. To ensure a more profitable, safe, and enlightening life we must come together and support each other.

My property rights can be supported in two ways. I can stay conscious 24 hours a day and protect my property from looters. The alternative, which I prefer, is to support my community as it supports me. This will provide a police force to protect my rights from domestic criminals and a military to protect my rights from foreign aggression. We will educate our children (I am not raising children but I feel some responsibility for the children in the world) so that they will be good stewards of our civilization. We will teach our fellow citizens to feed themselves so that their children will be able to feed their selves. We will educate our fellow citizens so that they can educate the next generation. Eden is here my beloved Brothers and Sisters if we are willing to make it.

Free Masonry is designed for two reasons. The first reason is to heal the rifts in civil society. The second reason is to improve the outlook and ability of the best of citizens. The best of citizens will act as leaders and inspiration. Free Masonry can take an intelligent and productive citizen and transform him (or her) into a capable leader and producer in society. From this leadership humanity will improve and our civilization will prosper. What came we here to do for our self and our world? I do for my world for what it does for my nation, for my community, for my family, and for me. Look deep Brethren this is why we do charity.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


We should discuss value as this is at the heart of many problems in Free Masonry. What is it in Free Masonry that a man cannot get any place else? Is there any objective value to membership in a lodge?


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Discussion and Masonic Philosophy


Of our own free will and accord, we are free men and Free Masons, have done several things. We will continue to act in manner that is dictated by our conscience and reason. There is nothing more that we can do. We will not be subjected to the attacks and illicit behavior of those in brief positions of authority that are “howling for our blood.” In other words, we will not deal with looters, thieves, or thugs. I have been approached by three dear Brothers who have asked us the question that no other Mason has. “Why?” They asked and they truly wanted answers and to understand. These Brothers met me on the level, as a Mason I should expect this from all Masons. There have been far too many that have taken this as an opportunity to fulfill some personal vendettas against me. So be it, Truth will always shine through, and it is starting to now.

Freedom of Association

It is our belief that any private organization is free to limit who may become a member of their organization. That control stops there. No organization, private or public, has a moral right to control the private life of its members. This is not the time to pull out a book of regulations and quote some rule that is immoral to prove that a moral right exists. This is the time to discuss openly the moral justification of those types of rules.

Most Grand Lodges have a rule that forbids their members from attending a co-Masonic lodge. That seems to be pretty cut and dried. Please put your pitchforks and torches down, I am not a member of co-Masonic body though I have thought about. No man should be punished for his thoughts. We find that rule to be immoral. We find it immoral because it in no way affects the various Grand Lodges in this country yet the rule exists not to enhance the Craft but to limit the freedom of association of Masons outside of the lodge.

It is said that a woman cannot be a Mason. It goes to reason then that any organization, no matter what they call it, is not Masonic. So why is that rule in place? There is an intellectual dissonance in this case. If they are not Masons then forbidding a Mason from attending or joining a co-Masonic body is the equivalent of forbidding him to join the Rotary Club.

If indeed a co-Mason is a Mason then we have to return to the original premise and open further discussion. Masons do not need to be kept safe from ideas; ideas obviously need to be kept safe from Masons from time to time. If a woman cannot be made a Mason, as we are told, then where did the female Masons come from? We cannot have it both ways.

The argument that this rule is in place to preserve the Craft is empty. No damage can possibly come to the fraternity if a Mason were to visit a co-Masonic lodge. Regardless, we must ask what exactly we are protecting the Craft from. Girls don’t have coodies, get over it. Many of the arguments that I have heard about this subject sound similar in origin to the tired arguments used against Prince Hall Free Masonry.

Territorial Exclusivity

This is one of the most misunderstood concepts in Free Masonry. A Grand Lodge’s authority begins and ends with its constituted lodges. It goes not further than that. It does not include a specific geographic boundary as Free Masonry itself is not constrained to lines on a map. The Grand Lodge of Michigan, in a stroke of genius and morality, did decide (I believe that it was in 1996 – fact checkers please check that for me) that its authority was only over its constituted lodges. The Grand Lodge of Michigan has also extended recognition and built the bridge of Brotherhood with the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan. Bravo. Most Grand Lodges in the United States have also extended recognition to Prince Hall Grand Lodges. It is right and proper to do so. By these actions should we not question further the misapplication of territorial exclusivity?

Since it has been decided that the Prince Hall Grand Lodges are entirely regular should we not extend recognition to all Prince Hall Grand Lodges? Including those that are in certain Southern states? There will be some that will say that I am acting outside of my authority. How drôle. I am not acting on any authority. I am not acting at all. I am asking a question that we should ask, and that we should answer.

The only stain on the Grand Lodge of Michigan regarding the issue of recognition of Prince Hall Grand Lodges is that it took so long for it to come about. Of course, the sins of the father are not the sins of the son. The good Brothers of the Grand Lodge of Michigan did correct the historic error and may they always be remembered for that. Mistakes happen; we are only human after all. It is important that it was corrected.

Lodge Sovereignty

This is not a chicken and egg situation. Grand Lodges were formed by Lodges. Lodges formed these Grand Lodges to administer to the needs of the Lodges, not the other way around. Some times this is forgotten. Lodges were formed by Masons to administer to the needs of Masons. The sovereignty of an individual Mason cannot be superseded by that of the Lodge. That is the key to the free will and accord that we discuss so often. Allow the natural progression of logic (one of the seven liberal arts) to guide you on the natural conclusions of this.

As there are different men with different needs in Free Masonry we cannot expect one model of a lodge to suit all of their needs. Regarding this issue it is important that a lodge be able to develop its own character. Ritual is an important aspect of a lodge’s character. Allowing a lodge to select and work a regular ritual would do much to enhance the character and egregore of the lodge. This is practiced in several jurisdictions around the world. It has been quite successful. It will also allow us, as Masons; access that vast tapestry that is Free Masonry. It is our heritage.

These are not attacks of arguments. These are simply points of discussions. Answers to these questions are important.


Sunday, November 18, 2007


Freedom may be one of the most difficult concepts for an individual to deal with. When we first developed the idea of Euclid a Brother talked to me and equated it to the Shawshank Repemdtion (which is a great movie if you have not seen it yet you should). He related it most specifically to the part in which Red had just gotten out of prison and was working as a bagger at a grocery store. He was constantly asking permission to do everything, including going to the restroom.
Red mentioned something about being in the system so long that he could not even go to the restroom without permission. Why does the caged bird sing?

Freedom for me means freedom for you. But what if you don't do what I want? Well, that is freedom. As long as you or I are not violating the rights that I are inherent to my existence then I cannot inhibit you at all.

The continuation of our civilization is dependent upon the advancement of our citizens. This is only possible through true freedom.

Brothers and Sisters, apply your reason and be free.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


Freemasonry is not now, nor has it ever been a religion. Is it improper to require a man to profess a religion or a belief in a supreme being in order to admitted to Free-Masonry? If so, why? Surely the word of a believer can be broken just as quickly as any atheists word can be broken. If we truly believe in the brotherhood of all mankind how can exclude so many for having a personal opinion about the existence or non-existence of Deity?

For it came to a question of adjectives. What is a "stupid atheist" or an "irreligious libertine"? Does this not allude to their being a smart atheist and a religious libertine?


Friday, November 16, 2007

Euclid Lodge

To all Masons, wheresoever they may be dispersed throughout the world
Fraternal greetings
We have formally constitued Euclid Lodge, to the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe and to Glory of Free-Masonry Universal. We labor under traditional Free-Masonry as described and prescribed in Anderson's Constitutions 1723 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA).
Our lodge offers a distinctive education in the philosophies and esoteric understanding of Free-Masonry. Euclid Lodge supports the original meaning of a "liberal education" with the understanding that reason is the only tool that humanity has to survive, prosper and improve in this world. To this end Euclid Lodge initiates men into the mysteries of Modern Free-Masonry and has dedicated itself to the betterment of our civilization.
This betterment is accomplished by an education in the philosophies of the Enlightenment period and modern philosophy. We reject completely the mis-guided beliefs that lead to the subjugation of the human spirit and any intellectual dissonance that destroys our ability to construct that Temple made not with hands.
Throughout human history there have always been those that raised men up to higher levels. We endeavor to be those type of men. Included in our ranks are PhD's, engineers, business leaders and professionals of several types. We are a philosophical order that addresses the "questions of the day" such as the moral implications of our scientific revolution and the relationship between the individual and society. Partisan politics and sectarian religion have no part of what we do. We labor for the greater good. We accomplish this by aiding our Brothers to become better men, more informed men, more educated men, and more capable men. Through our process to total education we aid in the development of "liberated" man.
The founders of Euclid were once members of the Antient system of Free-Masonry, which has degenerated into a social club that denies its own roots. We have separated ourselves from that decayed root and planted our minds in fertile ground. May the Light of Free-Masonry (which is reason) extend to every corner of the globe and every aspect of civil society. We have taken up the working tools of such luminaries as Brother Benjamin Franklin, Brother Voltaire, and Brother Lafayette and have placed the proper application of the Craft above the base desires of men who are slaves to their egos. We labor as one small lodge of great men who carry a portion of Light forward in the 21st Century. All true and worthy seekers of Masonic Light will be welcome at our door.

Wor:. Bro:. Brandt Smith
Worshipful Master, Euclid Lodge #3